Généalogie >> Ordre Passériformes >> Famille Passéridés
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From Erongo to Etosha


Marque Canon EOS 7D
Objectif Canon EF 100-400 mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM   at 640 mm
Exposition 1/60, f/27.0, ISO 400 
Taille de l'image 800 x 533 pixels


Deutsch  Rostsperling Dutch  Roestmus
Italian  Passera rossiccia maggiore Spanish  Gorrión grande


The Great Sparrow differs from the House Sparrow by its bright rufous color of the back and rump (which is grey in the House Sparrow). The grey on the head extends on to the nape to form a collar. This sparrow is found in the dry savannas and seems to avoid close association with man. In Namibia, it is often paratized by the Diederik Cuckoo.

Jensen RAC . (1989): in The Complete Book of Southern African Birds, p 650.


  Toutes les photos sont protégées par copyright. Pas d'utilisation sans accord formel des auteurs. Contacter les auteurs.

Grand Moineau
Passer motitensis
Great Sparrow

Jean-Michel PAULUS